The Pavilion ... Steeped in Rich History
Mission Statement
The purpose of the Poinsettia Pavilion is to support youth education and the non-profit community by providing affordable meeting and office space.
Nearly 7 decades ago, a group of women in the San Buenaventura Women's Club saw a need for a community event center in the City of Ventura. They wanted to build a place where their women's group could meet, and where other local non-profit groups could hold events for charitable, scientific, educational and religious purposes.
Through fund-raising efforts, and with a donation from the Lloyd family, they garnered the wherewithal to build. The Lloyds wished to assist further and leave a legacy for the community. Thus they donated a prime parcel of land for the Center.
The Ventura Women's Center Trust was formed in 1954 and, in 1957, the Poinsettia Pavilion was built.
Since 1957, the Pavilion has continued to serve communities in Ventura County. People of all ages attend non-profit fundraisers, club meetings, performances, school functions, religious services and events, and other public functions. You can see a list of the organizations which use the facility on the "clients" page of this website.
Although the Trust Agreement stipulates that the Pavilion must primarily be used for non-profit functions, it is a popular venue for weddings and receptions, memorials, celebrations and business meetings for the general public.
And, the Pavilion is a gathering place in a time of crisis. When the Thomas Fire erupted in December, 2017, the Pavilion was a place where residents affected by the fire could meet with government and private officials in order to begin the process of rebuilding their homes and lives.
The Pavilion is both a priceless resource and beautiful landmark for the City. It is only right that the Pavilion continues to serve the area for many future generations to come.